Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Process of Progress

"The problem isn't the problem, it's your attitude about the problem."

It is often difficult to not compare yourself to others. I think most girls in the girl world would agree that girls are constantly comparing themselves to other girls. We always want what we can't have. Comparing ourselves to other people is pointless. It's like comparing a penguin to a tiger in the animal kingdom. Sure the penguin can swim and it may be a very good swimmer, but then one day the penguin sees a tiger. The penguin may begin to wonder why it too can't have stripes and a tail. But no matter how much make up that penguin wears or how much surgery that penguin gets it will never be a tiger. And it never will be no matter how hard it tries. It is impossible to compare the penguin and tiger's skills because both animals possess different talents for different reasons. Their talents have a purpose. You can change your appearance your attitude and even your hobbies. Yet the only person you can ever be and will ever be is you. Why waste time wishing you were someone else when you can be yourself? Learning to love yourself is a much easier process than trying to change into someone else. The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Butterfly Effect

I originally drafted this post a year ago and decided to edit it and post it today. The original post contained my thoughts on the movie "The Butterfly Effect". This movie left a big impact on me making me realise how unaware we are of the consequences of our everyday choices and how one simple little thing really can change your life.
If we could look ahead and see the outcome of all our actions, would we still follow through? Knowing the outcome would certainly make decision making more difficult impossible even, as with more choice comes more stress in choosing. But then, are we better off not knowing the consequences of our everyday actions? If it weren't for our mistakes, we wouldn't learn from them or learn how to appreciate what we have. Our past mistakes and decisions all lead up to this moment and lead us to where we are right now. Life should be about taking what you have and making the best of it, rather than looking back and wishing things were different. After all you choose the life you live. If you wanted things to be different you would change them.
Living life is like driving a car to an unknown destination. The road unwinding before you is like your life unfolding before you everyday. The road we follow is life's journey and as we come to turns we make decisions which path to take. There is no going back only onward with our journey. It is important to embrace the path you choose to take and know that although the road you're on now may be full of bumps and bends, eventually a new turn will come, with it a new decision to make. Keep driving and know that you will find a turn leading to a good smooth road someday.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Young Love

"As much as you love is as much as you hurt." - Britney Spears.

When I love someone, I really love them. It's all or nothing with me when it comes to relationships. I love the feeling of having somebody to love and care for. But I've found with my last couple of relationships that I don't get back what I put in. I realise that I have many flaws as a girlfriend. I am a very jealous and insecure person because my trust has been battered a lot throughout my life, so it takes me a while to warm up to people. And once I let them in, I think sometimes I let down my guard too much, especially when it comes to relationships. And so when that person hurts me, they really hurt me. I think though that jealousy and insecurities are part of young love, because I'm still young and I'm still finding myself, and these are childish qualities. With maturation comes confidence and I think that's part of growing up. But I'm not ready to grow up, not yet. So for now young love is taking me over.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Major Blog Fail

The reason why I recreated this blog was so that I had a place to share my thoughts. But then, so much happened literally right before and after this blog went back up I haven't had a chance to post much as of yet. And also, because so much has happened, I'm not sure what to blog about or where to start. So tonight, I had great intentions of writing an amazingly long blog post. But an hour later, I still have no post. I would love to be an incredible blogger full of things to say, but everytime I go to write my mind blanks.
So tonight I will post this as my promise to become that amazing blogger, fully aware that this will take time, but one day I will have really long interesting posts and I will be proud of my own writing. I promise myself that I will work hard at this blog and make it the blog I want it to be. And one day I will look back at my promise and know that this is where it all began.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm Back

In 2008/ 2009 I had a blog called Confessions of a Major Britney Fan. I deleted it because I never knew what I should write about. The truth was I had a lot to say, I just didn't think people would be interested in it. But since then a lot has happened and over time I have realised that I don't want to write a blog for other people. My blog should be for me. So here I am, 4 years later. I need a place I can escape to and share all my thoughts. This blog will be my sanctuary. It is the beginning of my new journey. Whoever may read this blog is welcome to join me along the way.